Predefined variables
There are some predefined variables that are assigned at the beginning of the installation. You can use these variables in all fields of your projects to use their values in the installation process. These variables must start and end with the symbol '#'.
#setuppath#\subfolder #progname# #ver#
Variable name | Description |
appname | Application name. |
apppath | Program folder in Application Data directory. |
chevl | Character '<' (left chevron). |
chevr | Character '>' (right chevron). |
comma | Character ','. |
computername | Name of the user's computer. |
date | Current date. Also, there are the variables #day#, #month# and #year#. |
day | Current day. Also, there are the variables #month# and #year#. |
exefile | Full name of the setup executable file. |
exepath | The setup executable file path. |
isadmin | Equals 1 if the installation runs with administrative rights. |
langinst | The current language of the installation. |
month | Current month. Also, there are the variables #day# and #year#. |
netframever | The current version of .NET Framework on user's computer. |
nn | The character 0xA. |
nr | The character 0xD. |
nl | Combination of the characters 0xD and 0xA. |
originaluser | The name of the user, who launched the installation. If the user doesn't have administrator rights, this name is different from username. See also Get Original User. |
os64 | Equals 1 on Windows 64-bits versions. Otherwise, it equals 0. |
osbuild | The build of Windows version. |
oscsd | Additional Windows version information. |
osmajor | Major Windows version. |
osminor | Minor Windows version. |
osplatform | Windows platform. |
osreleaseid | Windows 10 Release ID. |
osspmajor | Major version of Service Pack. |
osspminor | Minor version of Service Pack. |
osserver | Equals 1 on Windows Server versions. Otherwise, it equals 0. |
osupbuildrev | Windows 10 Update Build Revision. |
oswindows | Windows version. 0 - Unknown, 1 - WIN 95, 2 - WIN 98, 3 - WIN ME, 4 - WIN NT, 5 - WIN 2000, 6 - WIN XP, 7 - WIN 2003, 8 - WIN VISTA, 9 - WIN 7, 10 - WIN2008, 11 - WIN2008R2, 12 - WIN8, 13 - WIN2012, 14 - WIN81, 15 - WIN2012R2, 16 - WIN10, 17 - WIN11 |
oswinname | The name of user's Windows version. |
parcount | Count of the command-line parameters. |
par1,par2,par3,... | Command-line parameters. |
progname | Program name, which is used in the folder name. |
quote | Quotation mark . |
rootdrive | Drive with Windows directory. For example, C:. |
setuppath | The current installation path. |
shortdate | The current date as YYMMDD. |
shorttime | The current time as HHMMSS. |
silent | Skip all dialogs if it equals 1. |
space | The space character. |
syslang | The user's OS system language. |
tab | Tab character. |
tempinstpath | Temporary installation directory. |
time | The current time as HHMMSS. |
usercountry | The user's country. |
userlang | The user's language. |
userlogon | The username used to establish a network connection ( acquired through the WNetGetUser function). |
username | Username. See also Get Original User. |
userorg | Organization. |
ver | Version of the program. |
year | Current year. Also, there are the variables #month# and #day#. |
See also
Eonza automation software - free, open source cross-platform program for easy creation and management of scripts.