Variables of dialogs
List of the dialog variable parameters. You can re-define the following variables for dialog windows. If you want to re-define variables for all dialog windows, then append the character '_' before the variable name (for example, _Dcap )
Dcap - Dialog caption
Dhead - Header caption text
Dsubhead - Header text
Dprev - Text for 'Prev' button
Dnext - Text for 'Next' button
Dcancel - Text for 'Cancel' button
Dlabel - Text for the label in the bottom-left corner
Dlabelurl - URL for the bottom left label
Dhideheader - Specify 1 to hide the header of the dialog.
Denter - You can specify the identifier of the command which will be sent the dialog function by pressing Enter button.
DNocancel - Specify 1 to disable Cancel/Close action.
Dexit - You can specify custom exit message for the dialog.
Dcenter - Specify 1, to place the dialog box in the center of the screen.
DOK - Custom processing 'Cancel' button
1 - finish successfully
2 - The program exits quietly and doesn’t ask for confirmation.
Dcolor - Custom color of the header. The default color of the header is the user's Window Color. You can specify any RGB color. If you want to specify a custom color for all dialogs, specify in the defcolor variable.
Dcolor => 0xFF0000 - red color.
Dtextcol - Custom color of the header text. The default color is the user's Window Text Color. You can specify any RGB color. If you want to specify a custom text color for all dialogs, specify it in the _Dtextcol variable.
Dtextcol => 0x0000FF - blue color.
Dif - You can skip any dialog depending on this condition. The dialog is skipped if the condition is FALSE during the installation. See How to use If Condition for more details.
Dif => isweldlg - Skip the dialog if 'isweldlg' equals "0".
Dfunc - Custom dialog window function. See How to define a custom dialog function for more details.
Dnextfunc - Custom dialog function for Next button. This function is executed when the user presses the Next button. You can check some parameters there and return 0 if something is wrong. It has to return 1 if the user can continue the installation process. See more details in the article How to define a custom dialog function.
Dnextfunc => mycustomcmdproc
You can move and resize controls of dialog windows. See How to move and resize dialog controls for more details.