Dialog - Settings
Shows a dialog box with its own controls. Use this command to display a custom dialog box with controls of any type. You can specify any combination of simple text (including multi-line), edit controls, comboboxes, checkboxes, radiobuttons, images, links and folder and file selection controls (with the Browse button).
Description, Header Text, Header Description, Text, Logo Image, Buttons, If Condition
These parameters are explained in Common dialog parameters.
Dialog Controls
Add required dialog controls here.
Button – Button. You can specify a URL, folder or document to be opened in the corresponding application.
Checkbox - Checkbox.
Combobox - Combobox. Add items as 'Combobox item' below.
Combobox item - an item of the above combobox.
Edit - Field for editing.
Image – image in jpg, gif or bmp formats.
Radiobutton - Radiobutton. If you assign Sautoradio variable to 1 in Additional settings then radiobuttons are automatically grouped by blocks. In this case, if there is another item between two radiobuttons, then the radiobuttons belong different groups and can be checked simultaneously.
Text - Simple or multi-line text.
Select File - Field for the selection of files with the Browse button
Save File - Field for the filename for the purpose of saving files.
Select Folder - Field for the selection of directories with the Browse button.
Select Network - Field for the selection of Network resources.
Web page (URL) - link. Embossed with blue underlining and opens the specified link in browser.
Left Position
Control’s the left position, in percent (from 0 to 100), relative to the dialog’s width. If “inline” is specified, then the element will be located at the left side beside the previous element.
In some cases it may be necessary to adjust the position of the control's. If necessary after the specified value, insert a "|" (vertical line) character and enter the horizontal and vertical offset values in pixels separate by colon, for example:
50|2:0 // 2pixels to the right 50|-3:0 // 3pixels to the left 40|0:4 // 4pixels to the down
If you specify "inline" for the next control or do not want to change the next line's control position, specify the values of the previous control with the opposite sign, for example:
inline|0:-4 // 4pixels to the up 25|0:-4 // 4pixels to the up
Control’s the width, in percent (from 0 to 100), relative to the dialog’s width. For images “auto” may be specified. In this case the element’s width and height will be calculated automatically according to the image size. Otherwise, the image will be stretched or shrunk depending on the width specified by the user.
Variable Name
The variable that contains the value of the control. It is used for checkboxes, radiobuttons, edit and comboboxes . Further, you can use the value as #varname#. For a text item, you must specify the row count (from 1) in this parameter. For a combobox item, this name is written as a combobox value if the user selects it. You can disable any controls. It is enough to specify a variable with a postfix '_dis' and a value '1'. For example, you have a variable mycheck for a checkbox. If you specify the variable mycheck_dis as 1 then the checkbox is disabled.
For Button – the variable, which contains the url or full path to a file. Likewise, you can directly specify a url or file. If you run executable file, separate it by a semicolon to enter a command line parameter.
http://www.google.com #winpath#\hh.exe;ms-its:#exepath#\ci.chm::/examples.html #setuppath#\myapp.exe
For links – variable should contain the website address which will be opened in browser. You can also specify a specific URL
siteurl http://www.google.com
For images – variable which contains full path to the image file. For adding images to your installation you can use the Temporary Files command. You can also directly specify the full path to the image file.
mylogo #tempinstpath#\myimage.gif
Descriptive text for the specified element.
For images - it can be empty or you can specify “absolute”. By default, the next element (without inline) will be located under the image. But if you specify “absolute”, then the elements following will not take in to account the image height.
If Condition
You can specify a logical condition when this item is shown. Otherwise, it will be hidden.
You can add a comment for this setting here.
Additional Settings
You can define any variables here or specify Variables of dialogs.
For Edit – You can create a multiline edit field or specify that only entering numbers should be possible.
Look at the examples below.
[varname]_multi = 4 -> 4 rows. [varname]_multivs = 3 -> 3 rows of vertical scrolling. [varname]_multihs = 5 -> 5 rows with horizontal scrolling. [varname]_multihvs = 3 -> 3 rows with horizontal and vertical scrolling. [varname]_num = 1 -> You can only enter number in the edit field. [varname]_upper = 1 -> The letter in the edit field will be capitalized. [varname]_lower = 1 -> The letter in the edit field will be lowercase. [varname]_psw = 1 -> Field for the input of a password. In that case, all entered symbols with be replaced with one symbol. The password field can not be used with a multiline field!
Sautoradio – specify 1 if you want that radiobuttons are automatically grouped by blocks.
Shideheader – specify 1 if you do not want the dialog header to be shown. In this case, you will have more space for your dialog elements.
[varname]_psw – Specify 1 if you want the Edit field with the variable name varname to be the field for the input of a password. In that case, all entered symbols with be replaced with one symbol.
Extra capabilities
Situations often arise, when the elements of a combobox depend on the specific computer from which the installation was launched. You can define the Combobox element, but not specify particular Combobox Item elements. To fill the Combobox at the moment of installation, you need to define the variable [varname]_list with the list of elements in a string with the form Item text=value, where Item text is the text of the combobox element and value is the value that will be assigned to the combobox variable if the user choses the given element.
Say you added a combobox with the variable name mycombo. Define the variable mycombo_list with a list of elements. For example:
Combobox item 1 = 1 Combobox item 2 = 4 Combobox item 3 = 6 Combobox item 4 = Text value
In this case, the user can chose from 4 elements in the Combobox. You can populate the variable mycombo_list with the command work with variables or in the command Source code.
You can add a comment for this setting here.