Registry & INI & Environment commands
Commands for working with Registry, INI files and environment variables in the CreateInstall installer.
Global Environment - Append Path | Add directory to the environment variable. |
Global Environment - Delete Path | Delete directories from the global environment variable. |
Global Environment - Get Value | Gets the value of a global environment variable in the CreateInstall installer. |
Global Environment - Set Value | Sets the value of a global environment variable in the CreateInstall installer. |
INI File - Delete | Deletes keys or a section from an INI file. |
INI File - Formatting | Allows you to sort the contents of the INI file. |
INI File - Get Value | Gets a value from the ini-file in the CreateInstall installer. |
INI file – Insert text | This command allows you to instantaneously insert several lines to a section of an ini file. |
INI File - Set Value | Writes the value of a key to an INI file. |
Import .REG File | Imports REG file on to the user's machine. |
Registry - Delete | Here you can specify the subkey or value to be deleted from the Registry. |
Registry - For Each | Enumerates keys or values in the Registry in the CreateInstall installer. |
Registry - Get Value | Gets a value from the Registry in the CreateInstall installer. |
Registry - Set Value | Writes values into the Registry. |
Eonza automation software - free, open source cross-platform program for easy creation and management of scripts.