Replace Text
This command takes the value of a variable and replaces some of its substrings with others. The modified value will be assigned to the variable
Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Variable Name
Specify the name of the variable, the value of which will be changed.
Ignore case
Check this box if you want the substring search to ignore case.
Substitute Variable Values
No - There will no replace in #varname# variables.
Everywhere - All #varname# variables are replace by their value.
Only in the List - Only replace #varname# variables in the list to their value.
Only in the Variable Name - Only replace #varname# variables in the Variable Name to their value.
Suppose you specify the value of some variable in the substring search, for example:
What to find: #myvar# Replace with: #newvar#
In this case, by default, the substring #myvar# will be searched for and it will be substituted with the string #newvar# without substitution of those variables’ values. If you want all variables #varname# used in search and substitution substrings to be replaced with their values, check this box. In this case, a substring equal to the value myvar will be searched for and replaced with the value newvar.

Replace Text command
Additionally, you can add a list of substrings for search and substitution.
What to find
The substring, which will be substituted.
Replace with
The string, which will be inserted in the place of the substring found.
If Condition
You can specify a condition that should be met for the action to be performed. If the condition is false then the command is skipped. See How to use If Condition for more details.
Resulting variable
The "Resulting variable" will contain the number of occurences of the current text in the source variable. The variable [varname]_rep_allcount contains the number of texts replaced in the variable.
You can add a comment for this setting here.