For statement with Split
This commands splits initial text into an array of items and executes internal commands for each item of the array. This command can contain other commands, which will be executed at each step.
Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Initial text
The initial text, which will be processed.
The divider for separation into items. NL - the divider is a return , SP - the divider is a space.
, - the divider is a comma. @

For statement with Split command
Variable name
The name of the variable, which has the value of the current item at each iteration.
For example, if you specify myvar here, then you can use #myvar# or myvar inside internal commands.
The variable myvari contains the current number of iteration (0 = First iteration), the variable myvari1 (1 = First iteration).
The variable [varname]count, the items count. The variable [varname]len will equals the length of the value.
Split only at the first divider
If check, split till the first separator.
Example, the initial text is "name1,name2,name3", the divider is comma and the variable is myvar then
#myvar1# = name1 (First iteration) #myvar2# = name2,name3 (Second iteration) #myvarcount# = 2
Not remove the spaces and system symbols
Check this box if you do not want to remove the space and system characters from the result variable.
Ignoring empty substrings
Off - If any substrings is empty, it will be included in the result.
On (Mode 1) - Removes the first and last substrings, if it is empty.
On (Mode 2) - Removes all empty substrings.